NOBLE ARCHIVES Category: Muchin College Prep

Meet Noble Schools’ Principals (Part One)

As we celebrate Principal Appreciation Month, we wanted to feature ALL of our principals so our whole Noble community can get to know them.

To kick off, we’re featuring the principals of DRW College Prep, Muchin College Prep, Johnson College Prep, […]

Chipping Away at Walls: Showing Up for Our Students’ Mental Health

“Black people don’t go to therapy.” “You don’t need therapy, you need Jesus.” “Stop crying and suck it up.” “Therapy is for crazy people.” Throughout my life, these are phrases I’ve heard from my students and peers that sought to justify why people of color, and specifically Black people, should not seek out therapy or support. Nevertheless, support and therapy are exactly what is needed, arguably now more than ever.

May 24th, 2023|Categories: 2023, Muchin College Prep, Staff, Staff Articles|

“Autistic people are also artistic”: Muchin Student Colin Moy Shares His Art and His Thoughts

From beautiful Chinese dragons to sea creatures, Muchin College Prep senior Colin Moy lets his imagination run wild and free in his artwork. His art has been featured in Noble student showcases, and this year, his Chinese dragon-themed […]

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